New location! details are outlined below

New location! details are outlined below



We are delighted to announce that ​baptisms will take place on the last ​Sunday of June. If you are interested in ​being baptized, please reach out to Pastor ​Raul Castillo for more details and to make ​arrangements.

Flying white dove of peace isolated on transparent background

our mission

Our mission is simple: we want everyone to know Jesus Christ, not just as ​a man but as God, and to accept Him as Lord and Savior. When a person ​accepts Christ and begins a new life, we call that "New Hope." Therefore, ​if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; the old has gone, the ​new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

When Christ-followers put God at the center of their lives and seek a ​strong relationship with Him, we call that "New Hope." All of this comes ​by the grace of God. We are "Grace & New Hope Ministries."

Meet our pastors

Raul and Becky Castillo have been married since February 14th, ​2004. Becky, born and raised in Texas, moved to Woodland, ​CA, in 2001, escaping drug addiction. Raul (a PK), born in Davis, ​raised in Dixon, and moved to Woodland in 1983, is also a ​former drug addict. They share a blended family of 7 daughters, ​15 grandkids, and growing.

Broken and lost in a dark world, the Lord brought them together ​in 2001, and their lives were completely changed in 2005 with ​one touch of Jesus Christ. Now pastors of Grace & New Hope ​Ministries, they aim to spread the good news of what one touch ​of Christ can do for others.

Serving in a bilingual church, the mission is to reach the ​Hispanic community and let them, along with others, know ​about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for the ​sins of the world and rose again on the third day, showing that ​He alone is the true Messiah.


Bilingual Services in English and Spanish.


7:00 pm

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Worship service 7:00pm

Grayscale Photography of People Worshiping


Worship service 11:00am


View the Gallery by Clicking on the Pictures.

The church worship group, a talented ensemble, unites in music for heartfelt praise. Their diverse skills create a harmonious atmosphere, guiding worship in both English and Spanish, enriching our spiritual connection.

We uphold the significance of baptism in our faith, recognizing it as a sacred and meaningful expression of one's commitment to Christ and the Christian journey.

As a dedicated member of our church community, ​You strive to make a difference by actively ​participating in various ministries, supporting ​fellow members, and contributing to a positive ​and inclusive atmosphere. Whether through ​volunteering, sharing insights, or fostering ​connections, your aim is to enhance the sense of ​spiritual growth.

Social media

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kindly click on the link below.


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Phone Number

(530) 312-2494


Grace and New Hope

405 Plane Ave

Woodland Ca